Liebster Award!

Good evening,

I would like to say a big Thank You to both Amy ( and Pearlyn ( for nominating my blog for the Liebster Award. They are both fellow blogging newbies and I really think you should check out their awesome blogs right now… !!



  • Acknowledge the blog who nominated you and display the award
  • Answer the 11 questions given to you from the blogger
  • Give 11 facts about yourself
  • Nominate 11 blogs you think are deserving of the award (less than 200 followers)
  • Let the bloggers know you have nominated them
  • Give 11 questions to them to answer


1. What’s your favourite brand of skincare or makeup products?

My favourite skincare brand would have to be ‘Simple’, as I can rely on all their products to be kind to my skin, and I also know they will be ethically and sustainably sourced (which is very important to me!)

2. What’s your favourite treat?

Crisps!! I love crisps.

3. Tea or coffee?

Tea all the way. Can’t live without tea! 

4. Lipstick or lipgloss?

I actually prefer the felt-tip pen type ones (I’m not sure what they are called!! – I’ll get back to you on that). I’m not great at applying lipstick, though I’m getting better and lipgloss I find a bit too sticky. 

5. Favourite mythical creature?

Dobby the House Elf 

6. Pizza or macaroni cheese?

Ahh! This is a real hard one, both are probably my favourite foods! I think it might have to be pizza, but it’s very very close one! 

7. What’s your favourite book?

Harry Potter (Never going to change!)

8. Do you have normal, dry, oily or combination skin – and how do you care for it?

I would say normal-dry, I like to use a lot of simple skin care products, and I should hopefully have some Pixi Glow Tonic on its way soon (very excited for that!)

9. Favourite drugstore product?

At the moment my new collection concealer, its amaze! 

10. What’s the best lip balm you own?

Blistex Mango, it’s so yummy. 

11. What’s your favourite hair product?

A Touch of Silver shampoo and conditioner, its savour for anyone with dyed blond hair!! 


1. One skincare/makeup product that you can’t live without?

Foundation powder, if I’ve only got 5 mins to leave the house I know I can quickly brush some powder on and look slightly better than I did when I woke up!

2. Favorite film or television series?


3. Celebrity crush?

I’ve never really been into celebs, I’ll have to get back to you on that one! 

4. What are your wardrobe staples?

Jeans and converse! Not very glamorous but practical and comfortable! 

5. Your favorite fashion brand?

Not sure if it’s a brand but I really like ASOS it’s affordable and I get free next day delivery! 

6. What’s your greatest fear?

Trying new foods! I have a really stupid phobia of food I haven’t eaten or tried before.

7. A place/country you would like to visit?


8. What’s your horoscope?


9. Favourite YouTubers?

I’ve only been watching YouTube vlogging for the last couple of weeks, but I like Zoella’s makeup tutorials 

10. If you can be anyone or anything for a day, what would it be?

If I could be anyone, I think I’d like to be Cara Delevingne. Anything, then probably a bird 🙂 

11. Favourite food?

Probably cheese and tomato pizza! Yum. 


  1. I take way too many photos of my dogs!
  2. My dogs mean the world to me ❤
  3. It’s my birthday on Wednesday! woo! Slightly scared of being 23 though…
  4. I love reading
  5. I’ve been to Sierra Leone twice!
  6. I wrote my dissertation on female fighters in Sierra Leone – & got a first class degree! 🙂
  7. I spent 3 months solo traveling East Asia (there’s a reoccurring theme here)
  8. I have a massive Italian family who I love unconditionally
  9. I would eat pizza or/and pasta everyday of the week if I could
  10. I would love to my skilled/patient enough to write a book
  11. I’m really hungry right now…



  1. Why did you start blogging?
  2. What’s your favourite high street makeup product?
  3. What’s your favourite high end makeup product?
  4. What’s your favourite thing to do on a Sunday afternoon?
  5. Favourite mascara? (I know that’s a hard one!)
  6. If you could only wear mascara or foundation for the rest of your life, which would you choose and why?
  7. Where would your dream holiday be to?
  8. If you had to order a takeaway right now, what would it be?
  9. What sort of blogs do you like to read?
  10. Dogs or cats?
  11. If you could only wear one colour, everyday, which would you choose?

Rosa Jane

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